產品介紹 > G2000 Additives > Gasoline Additive >
Facial 5 in 1 Gasoline Additive

Product : 5 in 1 Gasoline Additive

Hydrocarbon solvents, detergents, in addition to carbon, a lubricant, a polyether amine, a polyisobutylene amine.

Characteristics : 

Clean the air intake valve to improve the octane, improve combustion efficiency; clean spray system to avoid crystallization and dirt, preventing the engine shake and knock; remove combustion chamber deposits, restore car performance, improve explosive; clean the piston crown, extending engine use life; clean exhaust system to reduce emissions; save fuel consumption and reduce engine speed operation temperature. Suitable for all kinds of gasoline engine vehicles.


Directly add into the fuel tank, a bottle 60ML corresponding 40-60L gasoline, it is recommended to add a bottle every time you add gasoline.